4 Reasons Coliving Can Make The Holidays Better

This week in celebration of the holidays, we decided to have a look at how co-living could benefit you during this season. This year has been particularly difficult as we head into our second lockdown in Ontario, making seeing and visiting family difficult and in many cases, impossible. However, in a co-ownership and coliving situation, the holidays need not be a damper on the festivities. Here are 4 reasons why coliving can make the holiday season even more festive.

Holiday Celebrations Can Still Go On

If you can’t have your extended family visit to enjoy a large holiday dinner, in a co-living situation, the festivities can still go on. Sure, you won’t have a large family gathering but your living partners can still salvage the holiday. You can enjoy a big dinner albeit without your extended family - which may sometimes be a good thing.

Ease The Workload, Help With Cooking And Cleaning

If your least favourite part about the holiday season is cooking and cleaning, thanks to coliving, you can ease the burden. You can distribute duties and responsibilities across the household. Don’t like doing the dishes? Bargain and offer up a different task in exchange. Or consider doing the task together. Many hands make lighter work! 


Ease The Financial Burden

Coliving is a great way to spread costs across multiple people. Everyone can contribute their share not just with the workload. Even if it’s something as simple as buying some ingredients or gift wrap, the gesture can go a long way. 

Avoid The Loneliness Trap

The holiday season can be a tough time for many. Especially this year. If you were meant to see family and are now unable to, it can be especially difficult. With a coliving environment, you’ll have someone to spend time with and stave off the loneliness that has become a huge issue over the course of this year. Even if it’s just a small chat and well wishes, it can make a huge difference.


Whatever your holiday plans were for this year, they were no doubt altered from previous years thanks to the pandemic. Regardless, the important thing is to stay safe and stay healthy! See you all next year!