Finding Your Purchase Group: Sketching Your Ideal Home Together


Now that you have a clearer sense of your own needs, wants, and dreams in co-purchasing a home, and you’ve found a group of people that share your vision of co-ownership, you can assess and discuss your compatibility with your co-purchasing group. The more detailed and clear your ideas are, the easier they will be to convey to others.

Now is the time to compare your needs, wants and dreams with your group so that you can all identify shared visions, points for further discussion, and potential incompatibilities. 


Using your answers from your individual needs, wants and dreams, compare your responses with your group. Start first on needs, then move on to wants and, after all that, look at dreams. This is a time for open and honest brainstorming and discussion and is a space to thoughtfully consider your own needs and wants in the context of the group. This step may need one long discussion or several. As a group, you can decide how much time you need.

Our Group Needs Wants Dreams
Down Payment
Monthly Payments
Desired Equity
Neighbourhood Range
Neighbourhood Character
Public transport access
School board areas

Through this process, you may find that there are many differences between you and your purchasing group. This is not necessarily a bad thing and doesn’t yet determine the success or failure of your co-ownership real estate purchase. Discussing compromises and reconciling differences can foster a sense of shared problem-solving and commitment to your co-purchasing project. You may also discover as a group that you have certain incompatibilities that are insurmountable.

This is ok!

It is better to honestly identify these incompatibilities now, rather than further along the process.

Once you’ve completed the comparisons and had significant discussions with your purchasing group, you need to take a look at any areas that you don’t collectively align on. 

Are these wants or dreams that could perhaps be compromised on? Has someone expressed a need that conflicts with someone else’s need? 
These are areas that you will need to prioritize for further, frank discussions. Some issues may be resolvable with some creative thinking and group problem-solving. Others may not be resolvable, in which case, you may want to reconsider your affinity as co-purchasers. 

As hard as this might be, it’s important to try to identify incompatibilities now rather than further in the process when you have done more work together!

Before moving on to Step 2, make sure you check out Step One’s Summary and make sure you’re ready!

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How Do You Establish Your Purchasing Group?

Click on the sections below to learn more.

  1. Introduction to Finding Your Purchase Group

  2. What Do You Want?

  3. Getting Creative with Co-Ownership

  4. How To Find Your Group

  5. Sketching Your Ideal Home

  6. Summary & Next Steps

What are all the Steps to Becoming a Co-owner?

Click on the links below for all the blog articles related to each step.

  1. Familiarize Yourself with Co-Ownership

  2. Finding Your Purchasing Group

  3. Building Your Financial Model

  4. Creating Your Group Agreement

  5. Making Your Legal Agreement

  6. Finding Your Property

Some of the best cooperative living arrangements are with former strangers. Because they don’t expect to be best
friends, and they act as responsible members of a purchasing group from the start.
— Lesli Gaynor, Partner GOCO

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