Finding Your Purchase Group: Summary And Next Steps


That’s all of step one and finding your purchasing group for co-ownership. This step can take a lot of time depending on a number of factors but, as it is the first step, it’s one of the most important. You need to work hard and dig deep to solidify your purchasing group and ensure the success of your co-ownership purchase. 

Whether you are old friends or just getting to know each other, learning as much as you can about your potential co-purchasers will help strengthen your relationship and develop a shared vision for your home. Here’s some ideas for conversational prompts and activity ideas to generate a sense of what it might be like to live together.


What is your favourite part of living in your current home? What is difficult about living where you currently do?

What does a typical week look like for you?

Where can you be found during your free time? What does a typical Saturday night look like for you?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 10? In what city? What does your family and

work-life look like?

What is your relationship to food? Do you like cooking? Do you have any dietary requirements or restrictions?

Do you like to vacation or travel for extended periods of time?

What other questions do you have for your

potential co-purchasing group?


No matter the nature of your existing relationships, considering each other as potential co-purchasers is an opportunity to get to know each other in a whole new way. Whether you’re having your first meeting with an acquaintance, or a meeting with your siblings, take the time to understand each other, your lifestyles, and visions for the future. This can be a lighthearted discussion, but the answers might also be revealing.

Before moving on as a purchasing group, you should ensure that:

  • You’ve discussed and are in agreement about which needs and wants your group is able to meet

  • You have shared goals for your co-ownership real estate purchase, and a shared understanding of your ideal co-living situation

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How Do You Establish Your Purchasing Group?

Click on the sections below to learn more.

  1. Introduction to Finding Your Purchase Group

  2. What Do You Want?

  3. Getting Creative with Co-Ownership

  4. How To Find Your Group

  5. Sketching Your Ideal Home

  6. Summary & Next Steps

What are all the Steps to Becoming a Co-owner?

Click on the links below for all the blog articles related to each step.

  1. Familiarize Yourself with Co-Ownership

  2. Finding Your Purchasing Group

  3. Building Your Financial Model

  4. Creating Your Group Agreement

  5. Making Your Legal Agreement

  6. Finding Your Property

Everyone has to be comfortable with not only the same search criteria, but the same amount of risk. I can’t show homes to members of a purchasing group without a plan because no one can agree.
— Lesli Gaynor, Partner GOCO

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